SIPE-Syndrom: Tod im kalten Wasser

Prof. C. Diehm

Das SIPE-Syndrom ist ein klassisches Lungenödem, das bei jungen Sportlern, die längere Zeit im kalten Wasser schwimmen, ohne Vorwarnung auftreten kann. Typischerweise passiert dies beim Triathlon. Amerikanische Wissenschaftlicher untersuchten nun eine Möglichkeit zur Prävention dieses lebensgefährlichen Syndroms.

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Interactions between C-reactive protein and traditional risk factors in predicting mortality of older adults

H. Rudolf, C.Diehm, H.-J. Trampisch et. al.

Elevated levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) are know to be associated with cardiovascular morbidity (1, 2) and mortality (3) in older adults. This association is thought to be caused by systemic inflammation leading to the initiation and progression of atherosclerosis (4).

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German guideline on the diagnosis and treatment of peripheral artery disease – a comprehensive update 2016

H.Lawall, P. Huppert et. al.

An update off the German national guideline on peripheral artery disease (PAD) became necessary to close the gap between the valid 2009 guideline recommendations and recent advances. Endocvascular techniques have progressed and new scientific evidence provided by clinical trials is available.

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